Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ride, baby, ride.

I was driving today and it occurred to me how funny it is that I can operate such a large piece of machinery without even thinking about it. I thought back to being fifteen or so, wanting so bad to drive. Then the first time I got behind the wheel, how scary it was. My driving teacher had me drive on the highway in the pouring rain and I was scared out of my ever-loving mind. Now, it's not exactly a picnic to drive in pouring rain but it's not terribly frightening. 

It's funny how many things are terrifying when we first do them, but then get easier and easier. I mean I guess it's true of everything. I always think that about babies, how scary it must be to go from being carried around by mom or dad to walking and running and jumping on your own. I suppose nobody remembers learning to walk, but it's still interesting how something like walking or driving can become second nature when the prospect first seemed so daunting.

I think thats why we all need more patience with each other. Everyone's learning something. We all screw up, and face seemingly insurmountable challenges. It's tempting to tsk-tsk someone for their fears of things we have already conquered and know that are easy. We're all trying our best, and we'll all get there. 

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