Thursday, December 4, 2008

Help me remember

Sometimes when I sit down to write an entry on this blog, I'm tempted to rant about how depressed I feel, or something mildly or majorly upsetting about my day. While this is not the point of this blog, trying to think of something positive to talk about is strangely cathartic. Because sometimes I forget how beautiful and precious life is. Sometimes I have to force myself to remember. But when I do remember, it feels so good, and I remember why this blog is so important to me.

I once read in a book a while ago that said we are all born happy, but sometimes we have to remember that ingrained happiness. Life can stray you off course in many ways and over many years, making happiness seem like a distant speck on the horizon. Getting back there doesn't mean laying blame or poring over every sad detail about how you got there but instead getting up and walking toward it. The proverbial walk can mean many different things for different people. For me it's remembering why I'm trying to get back to happy, remembering how good and filling happiness is. 

Some days are harder than others. But they key is just remembering what you want and what you are aiming for, and remembering why you are on this journey. 

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