Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love Month, Day 7: Higher love.

Many people across the world believe in some form of higher power. I think the name is largely unimportant, because they all essentially mean the same thing. I think we all want to believe that something or someone is in control and has some vested interest in our well-being. There are a variety of other reasons why people want to believe, or do believe, but I haven't the time to explore them all.

My point is, we all want to know someone loves us.

I think that we are all loved. I also think that love doesn't mean life is going to be perfect and easy, in fact I think love is shown equally strongly when things go wrong in our lives. Whoever - or whatever - cares enough to allow bad things to happen because we will ultimately learn important things from them, and they may lead us to a better place. I am hesitant to post this (not that anyone really reads this) because there are probably 100 examples to the contrary of my opinion. There is no particular basis for these opinions in science or theology. 

It's just the way I think the world operates.

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