Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love Month, Day 26: Young Love

"when we ran like wild horses through the night, sticking to the backroads and staying out of sight, making the most out of what little time we had left, how sweet it is, how sweet it was, young love" - Carter's Chord

As I grow older, I look back with more and more sentiment about my younger years. I wouldn't want to go back and relive them, but there were so many sweet memories that were so scary at the time...sneaking out of the house...driving with the headlights off...sneaking kisses in that park behind the woods. I remember when everything felt so new and exhilarating.

While first times cannot be redone, but I hope I can hold onto that feeling the older I get. You know the feeling, the one that came after all those scary moments, when your heart starts fluttering and you can't believe you are lucky enough to be alone with this boy. 

I'm an impasse between that teenage excitement and the more adult relationships and possible (hopeful!) marriage in my future. I was lucky back then, the experiences I got. I really do feel like a lucky person. I believe--or at least I have faith--that that luck will continue throughout my life.

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