Friday, April 17, 2009


Sometimes I see married couples, or couples in long term relationships, and I wonder,

How do they know how to act? How do they know how to act in private and how to act in public? Was it something learned when they were thirteen or fourteen, when a boy wouldn't look at me with anything other than disinterest or disdain? Is it something you read about in a book? Will I ever feel comfortable in a relationship?

Tonight it occurred to me that I have nothing to be afraid of. Because I think that nobody really knows what they are doing. We operate on love, just as we operate on crimson-red blood. Love is pumping through our brains and our hearts and our spirits. It is the one thing we are equipped with by God. Sure, some of it is learned, but it's mostly just there.

And I think that when you do fall in love, your body falls in step. You dance a dance you've never danced before, executing almost all of the steps with ease and grace. That's not to say we don't fail, but we do the best we can, and I think that in and of itself is graceful.
You just know.

1 comment:

Dmbosstone said...


At first I was thinking the same things- I thought that I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

But not I know that I'll just do things my own way and I'll figure out the rest.