Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday I'm in Love

I went to the local art gallery today. It was warm outside, and the gallery was blissfully quiet (it's normally quite crowded.) I wandered about, falling in love with art and my city all over again. The evening ended with dinner at my favorite restaurant with close friends.

After dinner we went to Target, and I managed to not spend any money, which, I don't think I've ever entered a Target without spending money. I love that store.

One of the best things about today was that it was one of those days where I realize that I am doing what I want to do and that is enough. There are 100 things I could pick apart about today, but instead I think I'll just be proud that I did what I wanted to do, and I didn't feel bad about it.

I'm learning to love my life. It's a slow process, and hard, because I have spent much of my youth wishing to have any life but my own. But I really do love my life. Really.

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