Sunday, March 29, 2009

What to say?

I haven't written much this month. I am at an impasse with where to go with this journal. I don't have any readers, but I want more. For some reason most of the blogs I happen upon are married mothers, which I am not. I am not even seeing anyone, for crying out loud.

However, every time I read blogs I itch to write. I have had the writing itch since I was eight years old. Maybe this blog isn't about readership, but about my own love of writing, however the form. This happens to be the easiest with my somewhat hectic college lifestyle. I need to stop living in fear of someone I know reading this. I just need to write.

Come to think of it, I have been thinking of a lot of things I need to do lately, but I never seem to get around to doing them. Tonight, I am resolving to do the things I need to do.

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