Tuesday, May 5, 2009

There ain't no place here on this earth I'd rather be, why would I leave?*

Oh boy, how do y'all keep up this blogging thing? I can't think of new things to write half the time. Maybe I should start making a list of topics.

I graduate in approximately two weeks, without any real concrete plans for the future except that I want to stay in the city I'm in. Sometimes I think about moving to a new place, seeing a different part of the world. I would love to move to a place that looks something like this:

I took these pictures on my spring break roadtrip from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. I *think* they are all from when we were still driving through Utah. The last might be California or Nevada.

The top one is, I think, Emigration Canyon. The cleft in the mountains from where my ancestors came across the nation and settled. Being in Utah always makes me wish I could go back in time to when this land was new and flat. I can only imagine what it must have been like to look across the wide expanse of the valley onto all this gorgeous, untouched land. No wonder they decided that it was the place. It looks like God's country out there. Like he individually crafted every peak and placed every tree for maximum beauty. It's still beautiful today, but the buildings diminish it a bit. Still beautiful though.

Anyway, I would love to move there someday. But for now, my life is in this city. I love this city. I want to grow old and raise my babies in the suburbs of this city. I want to take my children camping up in the hills and go on romantic dates with my husband to the opera. There is, quite literally, no place I'd rather be. So why would I leave?

*Song by Ashley Monroe

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